The Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada (SERNNoCa) is a network of university and college-based researchers and representatives of community-based organizations.
“Social economy refers to the grassroots voluntary or non-profit sector outside both the government (public) and private for-profit sectors. In addition to non-governmental organizations, cooperatives, and charitable foundations, the social economy of the North may also embrace many of the traditional economic activities of aboriginal societies given its focus on democratic values that enhance community life.“
The New 2023 SERNNoCa Census and Survey Report is now available for download.
The 2023 SERNNoCa Census and Survey Report is a summary of the changes in the northern social economy between 2013 and 2023. In 2023, new lists of social economy organizations were compiled for Northern Canada and these lists were compared to lists compiled in 2013. The report summarizes the main changes between the lists. SERNNoCa also conducted an online questionnaire survey of social economy organizations in the three territories to gather more information on their characteristics and challenges. The report also summarizes the main findings of this survey.
The New 2023 SERNNoCa Northern Social Economy Database is now available for download.
The new database provides you with a list of all social economy organizations in the Canadian North as of 2023. It lists their name, their purpose, where they operate, what type of organization they are, their area of concern, and their contact information. The file is an Excel file and can be accessed here
Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada (SERNNoCa) is a network of university and college-based researchers and representatives of community-based organizations conducting research relevant to the social economy in Canada’s North.
There is a deep connection between the social economy actors, systems, and practices in the North. The research conducted by SERNNoCa is focused on surveying the wide range of social economy actors, systems, and practices present in the North. Specifically, our studies aim to examine the connection between the social economy and the collectivist traditions of Indigenous societies in the North.